ReactPhysics3D  v0.10.1
C++ Physics engine library
reactphysics3d::Array< T >::Iterator Class Reference

Class Iterator. More...

#include <include/reactphysics3d/containers/Array.h>

Public Types

using value_type = T
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using pointer = T *
using const_pointer = T const *
using reference = T &
using const_reference = const T &
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag

Public Member Functions

 Iterator ()=default
 Iterator (void *buffer, uint64 index, uint64 size)
reference operator* ()
const_reference operator* () const
 Const Deferencable.
const_pointer operator-> () const
Iteratoroperator++ ()
 Pre increment (++it)
Iterator operator++ (int)
 Post increment (it++)
Iteratoroperator-- ()
 Pre decrement (–it)
Iterator operator-- (int)
 Post decrement (it–)
Iterator operator+ (const difference_type &n)
 Plus operator.
Iteratoroperator+= (const difference_type &n)
 Plus operator.
Iterator operator- (const difference_type &n)
 Minus operator.
Iteratoroperator-= (const difference_type &n)
 Minus operator.
difference_type operator- (const Iterator &iterator) const
 Difference operator.
bool operator< (const Iterator &other) const
 Comparison operator.
bool operator> (const Iterator &other) const
 Comparison operator.
bool operator<= (const Iterator &other) const
 Comparison operator.
bool operator>= (const Iterator &other) const
 Comparison operator.
bool operator== (const Iterator &iterator) const
 Equality operator (it == end())
bool operator!= (const Iterator &iterator) const
 Inequality operator (it != end())

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class reactphysics3d::Array< T >::Iterator

Class Iterator.

This class represents an iterator for the array

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