ReactPhysics3D  v0.10.2
C++ Physics engine library
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Creactphysics3d::AABBThis class represents a bounding volume of type "Axis Aligned Bounding Box"
 Creactphysics3d::Array< T >This class represents a simple dynamic array with custom memory allocator
 Creactphysics3d::Array< decimal >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< int >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< int32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::Body * >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::Collider * >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::ContactManifold >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::ContactManifoldInfo >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::ContactPair >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::ContactPoint >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::ContactPointInfo >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::DebugRenderer::DebugLine >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::DebugRenderer::DebugTriangle >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::Destination * >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::Entity >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::HalfEdgeStructure::Edge >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::HalfEdgeStructure::Face >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::HalfEdgeStructure::Vertex >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::NarrowPhaseInfo >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::OverlappingPairs::ConcaveOverlappingPair >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::OverlappingPairs::ConvexOverlappingPair >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::Pair< int32, int32 > >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::RigidBody * >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< reactphysics3d::Vector3 >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< uint >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< uint64 >
 Creactphysics3d::Array< uint8 >
 Creactphysics3d::BallAndSocketJointComponents::BallAndSocketJointComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::BodyThis class represents a body
 Creactphysics3d::BodyComponents::BodyComponentStructure for the data of a collision body component
 Creactphysics3d::BroadPhaseSystemThis class represents the broad-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionCallback::CallbackDataThis class contains data about contacts between bodies
 Creactphysics3d::OverlapCallback::CallbackDataThis class contains data about overlap between bodies
 Creactphysics3d::ColliderA collider has a collision shape (box, sphere, capsule, ...) and is attached to a RigidBody
 Creactphysics3d::ColliderComponents::ColliderComponentStructure for the data of a collider component
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionCallbackThis abstract class can be used to register a callback for collision test queries
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionDetectionSystemThis class computes the collision detection algorithms
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionDispatchThis is the collision dispatch configuration use in ReactPhysics3D
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionShapeThis abstract class represents the collision shape associated with a body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::ComponentsThis class represent the abstract class to store components of the ECS
 Creactphysics3d::ConstraintSolverDataThis structure contains data from the constraint solver that are used to solve each joint constraint
 Creactphysics3d::ConstraintSolverSystemThis class represents the constraint solver that is used to solve constraints between the rigid bodies
 Creactphysics3d::ContactManifoldThis class represents a set of contact points between two bodies that all have a similar contact normal direction
 Creactphysics3d::ContactManifoldInfoThis structure contains informations about a collision contact manifold computed during the narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionCallback::ContactPairThis class represents the contact between two colliders of the physics world
 Creactphysics3d::ContactPairThis structure represents a pair of shapes that are in contact during narrow-phase
 Creactphysics3d::CollisionCallback::ContactPointThis class represents a contact point between two colliders of the physics world
 Creactphysics3d::ContactPointThis class represents a collision contact point between two bodies in the physics engine
 Creactphysics3d::ContactPointInfoThis structure contains informations about a collision contact computed during the narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::ContactSolverSystemThis class represents the contact solver system that is used to solve rigid bodies contacts
 Creactphysics3d::ConvexMeshThis class describes a convex mesh made of faces and vertices
 Creactphysics3d::DebugRenderer::DebugLineStruture that represents a line of the DebugRenderer
 Creactphysics3d::DebugRenderer::DebugTriangleStruture that represents a triangle of the DebugRenderer
 Creactphysics3d::Deque< T >This class represents a Deque
 Creactphysics3d::Deque< uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::DestinationDestination for the logs
 Creactphysics3d::DynamicAABBTreeThis class implements a dynamic AABB tree that is used for broad-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::DynamicAABBTreeOverlapCallbackOverlapping callback method that has to be used as parameter of the reportAllShapesOverlappingWithNode() method
 Creactphysics3d::DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallbackRaycast callback in the Dynamic AABB Tree called when the AABB of a leaf node is hit by the ray
 Creactphysics3d::DynamicsSystemThis class is responsible to compute and update the dynamics of the bodies that are simulated using physics
 Creactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructure::EdgeAn half-edge
 Creactphysics3d::EntityThis class is used to identify an entity in the Entity-Component-System
 Creactphysics3d::EntityManagerThis class is responsible to manage the entities of the ECS
 Creactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructure::FaceA face
 Creactphysics3d::FixedJointComponents::FixedJointComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::FormatterLog formatter
 Creactphysics3d::GJKAlgorithmThis class implements a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm
 Creactphysics3d::HalfEdgeStructureThis class describes a polyhedron mesh made of faces and vertices
 Cstd::hash< reactphysics3d::DebugRenderer::DebugItem >
 Cstd::hash< reactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::Format >
 Cstd::hash< reactphysics3d::Entity >
 Cstd::hash< reactphysics3d::Pair< T1, T2 > >
 Creactphysics3d::HeightFieldThis class represents a static height field that can be used to represent a terrain
 Creactphysics3d::HingeJointComponents::HingeJointComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::IslandAn island represent an isolated group of awake bodies that are connected with each other by some contraints (contacts or joints)
 Creactphysics3d::IslandsThis class contains all the islands of bodies during a frame
 Creactphysics3d::Array< T >::IteratorClass Iterator
 Creactphysics3d::Deque< T >::IteratorClass Iterator
 Creactphysics3d::Map< K, V, Hash, KeyEqual >::IteratorClass Iterator
 Creactphysics3d::Set< V, Hash, KeyEqual >::IteratorClass Iterator
 Creactphysics3d::JointThis abstract class represents a joint between two bodies
 Creactphysics3d::JointComponents::JointComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::JointInfoThis structure is used to gather the information needed to create a joint
 Creactphysics3d::LastFrameCollisionInfoThis structure contains collision info about the last frame
 Creactphysics3d::LinkedList< T >This class represents a simple generic linked list
 Creactphysics3d::LinkedList< T >::ListElementElement of the linked list
 Creactphysics3d::LoggerThis abstract class is the base class used to log information, warnings or errors during the execution of the library code for easier debugging
 Creactphysics3d::Map< K, V, Hash, KeyEqual >This class represents a simple generic associative map
 Creactphysics3d::Map< DebugItem, uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< Format, reactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::Formatter * >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< int, reactphysics3d::Entity >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< reactphysics3d::Entity, uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< reactphysics3d::Pair, reactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructure::Edge * >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< uint64, reactphysics3d::LastFrameCollisionInfo * >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< uint64, uint >
 Creactphysics3d::Map< uint64, uint64 >
 Creactphysics3d::MaterialThis class contains the material properties of a collider that will be use for the dynamics simulation like the friction coefficient or the bounciness of the rigid body
 Creactphysics3d::Matrix2x2This class represents a 2x2 matrix
 Creactphysics3d::Matrix3x3This class represents a 3x3 matrix
 Creactphysics3d::MemoryAllocatorAbstract class with the basic interface of all the derived memory allocators
 Creactphysics3d::MemoryManagerThe memory manager is used to store the different memory allocators that are used by the library
 Creactphysics3d::MessageThis structure represent a message that can be returned to the user
 Creactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseAlgorithmThis abstract class is the base class for a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm
 Creactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseCallbackThis abstract class is the base class for a narrow-phase collision callback class
 Creactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::NarrowPhaseInfoA potential collision between two colliders from the middle-phase algorithm that have to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseInfoBatchThis structure collects all the potential collisions from the middle-phase algorithm that have to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::NarrowPhaseInputThis structure contains everything that is needed to perform the narrow-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::OverlapCallbackThis class can be used to register a callback for collision overlap queries between bodies
 Creactphysics3d::OverlapCallback::OverlapPairThis class represents the contact between two colliders of the physics world
 Creactphysics3d::OverlappingPairs::OverlappingPairA base overlapping pair
 Creactphysics3d::OverlappingPairsThis class contains pairs of two colliders that are overlapping during the broad-phase collision detection
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< T1, T2 >This class represents a simple generic pair
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< DebugItem, uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< Format, reactphysics3d::DefaultLogger::Formatter * >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< int, reactphysics3d::Entity >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< int32, int32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< K, V >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< reactphysics3d::Entity, uint32 >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< reactphysics3d::Pair, reactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructure::Edge * >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< uint64, reactphysics3d::LastFrameCollisionInfo * >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< uint64, uint >
 Creactphysics3d::Pair< uint64, uint64 >
 Creactphysics3d::PhysicsCommonThis class is a singleton that needs to be instanciated once at the beginning
 Creactphysics3d::PhysicsWorldThis class represents a physics world
 Creactphysics3d::PolygonVertexArray::PolygonFaceRepresent a polygon face of the mesh
 Creactphysics3d::PolygonVertexArrayThis class is used to describe the vertices and faces of a mesh
 Creactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructureThis class describes a polyhedron mesh made of faces and vertices
 Creactphysics3d::QuaternionThis class represents a quaternion
 Creactphysics3d::QuickHullThis class implements the Quickhull algorithm to compute a convex mesh from a set of 3D points
 Creactphysics3d::RayThis structure represents a 3D ray represented by two points
 Creactphysics3d::RaycastCallbackThis class can be used to register a callback for ray casting queries
 Creactphysics3d::RaycastInfoThis structure contains the information about a raycast hit
 Creactphysics3d::RaycastTestStructure RaycastTest
 Creactphysics3d::RigidBodyComponents::RigidBodyComponentStructure for the data of a rigid body component
 Creactphysics3d::SATAlgorithmThis class implements the Separating Axis Theorem algorithm (SAT)
 Creactphysics3d::Set< V, Hash, KeyEqual >This class represents a simple generic set
 Creactphysics3d::Set< int >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< Profiler * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::BoxShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::CapsuleShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::ConcaveMeshShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::ConvexMesh * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::ConvexMeshShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::DefaultLogger * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::HeightField * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::HeightFieldShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::Pair >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::PhysicsWorld * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::SphereShape * >
 Creactphysics3d::Set< reactphysics3d::TriangleMesh * >
 Creactphysics3d::SliderJointComponents::SliderJointComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::SolveBallAndSocketJointSystemThis class is responsible to solve the BallAndSocketJoint constraints
 Creactphysics3d::SolveFixedJointSystemThis class is responsible to solve the FixedJoint constraints
 Creactphysics3d::SolveHingeJointSystemThis class is responsible to solve the BallAndSocketJoint constraints
 Creactphysics3d::SolveSliderJointSystemThis class is responsible to solve the SliderJoint constraints
 Creactphysics3d::Stack< T >This class represents a simple generic stack
 Creactphysics3d::TransformThis class represents a position and an orientation in 3D
 Creactphysics3d::TransformComponents::TransformComponentStructure for the data of a transform component
 Creactphysics3d::TreeNodeThis structure represents a node of the dynamic AABB tree
 Creactphysics3d::TriangleCallbackThis class is used to encapsulate a callback method for a single triangle of a ConcaveMesh
 Creactphysics3d::TriangleMeshThis class represents a mesh made of triangles
 Creactphysics3d::TriangleVertexArrayThis class is used to describe the vertices and faces of a triangular mesh
 Creactphysics3d::Vector2This class represents a 2D vector
 Creactphysics3d::Vector3This class represents a 3D vector
 Creactphysics3d::QHHalfEdgeStructure::VertexA vertex
 Creactphysics3d::VertexArrayThis class is used to describe an array of vertices
 Creactphysics3d::VoronoiSimplexThis class represents a simplex which is a set of 3D points
 Creactphysics3d::PhysicsWorld::WorldSettingsStructure WorldSettings