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C++ Physics engine library
►Nreactphysics3d | Namespace reactphysics3d |
CAABB | This class represents a bounding volume of type "Axis Aligned Bounding Box" |
CAABBOverlapCallback | This class represents a callback when two AABB overlap |
►CArray | This class represents a simple dynamic array with custom memory allocator |
CIterator | Class Iterator |
CBallAndSocketJoint | This class represents a ball-and-socket joint that allows arbitrary rotation between two bodies |
►CBallAndSocketJointComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS with data for the BallAndSocketJoint |
CBallAndSocketJointComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CBallAndSocketJointInfo | This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a ball-and-socket joint |
CBody | This class represents a body |
►CBodyComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS that contains data about a body |
CBodyComponent | Structure for the data of a collision body component |
CBoxShape | This class represents a 3D box shape |
CBroadPhaseRaycastCallback | Callback called when the AABB of a leaf node is hit by a ray the broad-phase Dynamic AABB Tree |
CBroadPhaseSystem | This class represents the broad-phase collision detection |
CCapsuleShape | This class represents a capsule collision shape that is defined around the Y axis |
CCapsuleVsCapsuleAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between two capsules collision shapes |
CCapsuleVsConvexPolyhedronAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between a capsule and a convex polyhedron |
CCollider | A collider has a collision shape (box, sphere, capsule, ...) and is attached to a RigidBody |
►CColliderComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS that contains data about the the colliders of the different bodies |
CColliderComponent | Structure for the data of a collider component |
►CCollisionCallback | This abstract class can be used to register a callback for collision test queries |
CCallbackData | This class contains data about contacts between bodies |
CContactPair | This class represents the contact between two colliders of the physics world |
CContactPoint | This class represents a contact point between two colliders of the physics world |
CCollisionDetectionSystem | This class computes the collision detection algorithms |
CCollisionDispatch | This is the collision dispatch configuration use in ReactPhysics3D |
CCollisionShape | This abstract class represents the collision shape associated with a body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CComponents | This class represent the abstract class to store components of the ECS |
CConcaveMeshRaycastCallback | Class ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback |
CConcaveMeshShape | This class represents a static concave mesh shape |
CConcaveShape | This abstract class represents a concave collision shape associated with a body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CConstraintSolverData | This structure contains data from the constraint solver that are used to solve each joint constraint |
CConstraintSolverSystem | This class represents the constraint solver that is used to solve constraints between the rigid bodies |
CContactManifold | This class represents a set of contact points between two bodies that all have a similar contact normal direction |
CContactManifoldInfo | This structure contains informations about a collision contact manifold computed during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CContactPair | This structure represents a pair of shapes that are in contact during narrow-phase |
CContactPoint | This class represents a collision contact point between two bodies in the physics engine |
CContactPointInfo | This structure contains informations about a collision contact computed during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CContactSolverSystem | This class represents the contact solver system that is used to solve rigid bodies contacts |
CConvexMesh | This class describes a convex mesh made of faces and vertices |
CConvexMeshShape | This class represents a convex mesh shape |
CConvexPolyhedronShape | This abstract class represents a convex polyhedron collision shape associated with a body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CConvexPolyhedronVsConvexPolyhedronAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between two convex polyhedra |
CConvexShape | This abstract class represents a convex collision shape associated with a body that is used during the narrow-phase collision detection |
CConvexTriangleAABBOverlapCallback | This class represents a callback when an overlap occurs |
►CDebugRenderer | This class is used to display physics debug information directly into the user application view |
CDebugLine | Struture that represents a line of the DebugRenderer |
CDebugTriangle | Struture that represents a triangle of the DebugRenderer |
CDefaultAllocator | This class represents a default memory allocator that uses standard C++ functions to allocated 16-bytes aligned memory |
►CDefaultLogger | This class is the default logger class used to log information, warnings or errors during the execution of the library code for easier debugging |
CDestination | Destination for the logs |
CFileDestination | File destination for the logs |
CFormatter | Log formatter |
CHtmlFormatter | Format the logs with HTML |
CStreamDestination | Stream destination for the logs |
CTextFormatter | Format the logs with simple text |
►CDeque | This class represents a Deque |
CIterator | Class Iterator |
CDynamicAABBTree | This class implements a dynamic AABB tree that is used for broad-phase collision detection |
CDynamicAABBTreeOverlapCallback | Overlapping callback method that has to be used as parameter of the reportAllShapesOverlappingWithNode() method |
CDynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback | Raycast callback in the Dynamic AABB Tree called when the AABB of a leaf node is hit by the ray |
CDynamicsSystem | This class is responsible to compute and update the dynamics of the bodies that are simulated using physics |
CEntity | This class is used to identify an entity in the Entity-Component-System |
CEntityManager | This class is responsible to manage the entities of the ECS |
CEventListener | This class can be used to receive notifications about events that occur during the simulation |
CFixedJoint | This class represents a fixed joint that is used to forbid any translation or rotation between two bodies |
►CFixedJointComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS with data for the FixedJoint |
CFixedJointComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CFixedJointInfo | This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a fixed joint |
CGJKAlgorithm | This class implements a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm |
►CHalfEdgeStructure | This class describes a polyhedron mesh made of faces and vertices |
CEdge | Edge |
CFace | Face |
CVertex | Vertex |
CHeapAllocator | This class is used to efficiently allocate memory on the heap |
CHeightField | This class represents a static height field that can be used to represent a terrain |
CHeightFieldShape | This class represents a static height field that can be used to represent a terrain |
CHingeJoint | This class represents a hinge joint that allows arbitrary rotation between two bodies around a single axis |
►CHingeJointComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS with data for the HingeJoint |
CHingeJointComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CHingeJointInfo | This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a hinge joint |
CIsland | An island represent an isolated group of awake bodies that are connected with each other by some contraints (contacts or joints) |
CIslands | This class contains all the islands of bodies during a frame |
CJoint | This abstract class represents a joint between two bodies |
►CJointComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS that contains generic information about all the joints |
CJointComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CJointInfo | This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a joint |
CLastFrameCollisionInfo | This structure contains collision info about the last frame |
►CLinkedList | This class represents a simple generic linked list |
CListElement | Element of the linked list |
CLogger | This abstract class is the base class used to log information, warnings or errors during the execution of the library code for easier debugging |
►CMap | This class represents a simple generic associative map |
CIterator | Class Iterator |
CMaterial | This class contains the material properties of a collider that will be use for the dynamics simulation like the friction coefficient or the bounciness of the rigid body |
CMatrix2x2 | This class represents a 2x2 matrix |
CMatrix3x3 | This class represents a 3x3 matrix |
CMemoryAllocator | Abstract class with the basic interface of all the derived memory allocators |
CMemoryManager | The memory manager is used to store the different memory allocators that are used by the library |
CMessage | This structure represent a message that can be returned to the user |
CNarrowPhaseAlgorithm | This abstract class is the base class for a narrow-phase collision detection algorithm |
CNarrowPhaseCallback | This abstract class is the base class for a narrow-phase collision callback class |
►CNarrowPhaseInfoBatch | This structure collects all the potential collisions from the middle-phase algorithm that have to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection |
CNarrowPhaseInfo | A potential collision between two colliders from the middle-phase algorithm that have to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection |
CNarrowPhaseInput | This structure contains everything that is needed to perform the narrow-phase collision detection |
►COverlapCallback | This class can be used to register a callback for collision overlap queries between bodies |
CCallbackData | This class contains data about overlap between bodies |
COverlapPair | This class represents the contact between two colliders of the physics world |
►COverlappingPairs | This class contains pairs of two colliders that are overlapping during the broad-phase collision detection |
CConcaveOverlappingPair | An overlapping pair between a convex collider and a concave collider |
CConvexOverlappingPair | An overlapping pair between two convex colliders |
COverlappingPair | A base overlapping pair |
CPair | This class represents a simple generic pair |
CPhysicsCommon | This class is a singleton that needs to be instanciated once at the beginning |
►CPhysicsWorld | This class represents a physics world |
CWorldSettings | Structure WorldSettings |
►CPolygonVertexArray | This class is used to describe the vertices and faces of a mesh |
CPolygonFace | Represent a polygon face of the mesh |
CPoolAllocator | This class is used to efficiently allocate memory on the heap |
►CQHHalfEdgeStructure | This class describes a polyhedron mesh made of faces and vertices |
CEdge | An half-edge |
CFace | A face |
CVertex | A vertex |
CQuaternion | This class represents a quaternion |
CQuickHull | This class implements the Quickhull algorithm to compute a convex mesh from a set of 3D points |
CRay | This structure represents a 3D ray represented by two points |
CRaycastCallback | This class can be used to register a callback for ray casting queries |
CRaycastInfo | This structure contains the information about a raycast hit |
CRaycastTest | Structure RaycastTest |
CRigidBody | This class represents a rigid body of the physics engine |
►CRigidBodyComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS that contains data about a rigid body |
CRigidBodyComponent | Structure for the data of a rigid body component |
CSATAlgorithm | This class implements the Separating Axis Theorem algorithm (SAT) |
►CSet | This class represents a simple generic set |
CIterator | Class Iterator |
CSingleFrameAllocator | This class represent a memory allocator used to efficiently allocate memory on the heap that is used during a single frame |
CSliderJoint | This class represents a slider joint |
►CSliderJointComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS with data for the SliderJoint |
CSliderJointComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CSliderJointInfo | This structure is used to gather the information needed to create a slider joint |
CSolveBallAndSocketJointSystem | This class is responsible to solve the BallAndSocketJoint constraints |
CSolveFixedJointSystem | This class is responsible to solve the FixedJoint constraints |
CSolveHingeJointSystem | This class is responsible to solve the BallAndSocketJoint constraints |
CSolveSliderJointSystem | This class is responsible to solve the SliderJoint constraints |
CSphereShape | This class represents a sphere collision shape that is centered at the origin and defined by its radius |
CSphereVsCapsuleAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between a sphere collision shape and a capsule collision shape |
CSphereVsConvexPolyhedronAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between a sphere and a convex polyhedron |
CSphereVsSphereAlgorithm | This class is used to compute the narrow-phase collision detection between two sphere collision shapes |
CStack | This class represents a simple generic stack |
CTransform | This class represents a position and an orientation in 3D |
►CTransformComponents | This class represent the component of the ECS that contains the transforms of the different entities |
CTransformComponent | Structure for the data of a transform component |
CTreeNode | This structure represents a node of the dynamic AABB tree |
CTriangleCallback | This class is used to encapsulate a callback method for a single triangle of a ConcaveMesh |
CTriangleMesh | This class represents a mesh made of triangles |
CTriangleShape | This class represents a triangle collision shape that is centered at the origin and defined three points |
CTriangleVertexArray | This class is used to describe the vertices and faces of a triangular mesh |
CVector2 | This class represents a 2D vector |
CVector3 | This class represents a 3D vector |
CVertexArray | This class is used to describe an array of vertices |
CVoronoiSimplex | This class represents a simplex which is a set of 3D points |